01 Aug Bonita Bay Real Estate News | August 2020
As of August 1, 2020, there are 91 active listings in our area multiple listing service (MLS) in Bonita Bay; 7 more than last month. There are 21 single-family homes ranging in price from $499,000 to $4,995,000. The average list price is $2,380,662 and the average days on the market is 133. The combined days on the market is 213. In the carriage, mid-rise, townhouse, and attached villa market, there are 30 active listings in Bonita Bay. Prices range from $265,000 to $725,000. The average list price is $388,860. The average of days on the market is 120. The combined days on the market is 179. In the high-rise market, there are 40 active listings in Bonita Bay ranging in price from $640,000 to $6,750,000. The average list price is $1,729,895 and the average days on the market is 239. The combined days on the market is 259.
Whether you are buying or selling, if you are looking for REALTOR® representation, think of me.
Your Bonita Bay REALTOR®,
Ed Gongola
If you are considering selling your Bonita Bay home, here are some statistics that may help you decide to place your home on the market:
- Within the last 12 months, there were 72 sales with an average sales price of $401,558; these condos were on the market an average of 85 days; combined days on the market is 148.
- During the 12 months previous, there were 79 sales with an average sales price of condominiums was $367,161; these homes were on the market for 84 days; combined days on the market is 142.
- During the last 12 months, there were 48 sales with an average sales price of $1,382,634; these homes were on the market an average of 150 days; combined days on the market is 267.
- During the 12 months previous, there were 53 sales with an average sales price of $1,415,349; these homes were on the market for an average of 214 days; combined days on the market is 446.
- During the last 12 months, there were 55 sales with an average sales price of $1,288,765; these homes were on the market an average of 105 days; combined days on the market is 191.
- During the 12 months previous, there were 66 sales with an average sales price of $1,040,873; these homes were on the market for an average of 153 days; combined days on the market is 238.
Meet Ed Gongola and discover how he can help you with his concierge style of service when buying or selling your home.
August 2020 Market Update
NAR Survey: 9 of 10 Realtors Say Market Is Recovering
92% of Realtors have buyers who returned or never left; 18% saying buyers never left. Chief Economist Yun says the RE market has “seen a swift rebound of activity.”
- 33% have adjusted their commuting needs, with 22% less concerned about their commute
- 7% want to live close to bike trails that connect them to work
- 5% have a greater concern about parking and more concern for a location that allows them to drive to work
- 66%: A resurgence of the outbreak forcing another shutdown
- 61%: Protecting the health of employees
- 59%: Challenges implementing social-distancing measures
Why Chose Me as Your REALTOR®?
To learn more about me and my real estate business and Bonita Bay real estate specifically, I encourage you read the About Ed section as well as the Testimonial section of the site. Over the years, my clients have expressed their satisfaction in my services and I’ve showcased their kind words so you can determine if I am the right REALTOR® to represent you.If you are curious as to my sales success, visit my Sold Homes page. This gives a clear picture of exactly what I’ve accomplished and, more importantly, what I can accomplish for you. |